Bio – Enzymes: Eco-Friendly Way of Cleaning

Many people are adapting the environment-friendly alternatives to non-biodegradable material for their routine life. From plastic to cloth bags, using aluminium or ceramic cutlery (even for outdoors) instead of single-use plastic. But it is not only plastic that is polluting our environment.

Using alternatives to plastic is just one of the many ways to stop polluting our earth. We don’t consider the chemicals mixing with the water which flows into our rivers and oceans or the type of toxic air which chemicals create and we breathe every second. We should keep in my mind the consequences of each activity we do which can, in any way, harm the environment.

To tackle this, we must ensure to reduce the usage of chemicals as much as possible in our daily life. One of the common usages of various chemicals used at home is for cleaning it. From Clorox to different types of dishwashing detergents, many chemicals are used at our home.

There is a way to clean your home in an eco-friendly way!

Bio-enzyme cleaners are organic solutions produced by fermentation of citrus fruits, vegetables, sugar, and water. These cleaners contain specific quantities and qualities of bacteria (non -pathogenic i.e. good bacteria) along with enzymes and microbial nutrients that essentially digest chemical and organic waste (soils). Whereas an enzyme is a type of protein that can break up complex molecules into smaller pieces.

Bio Enzymes are a mixture of complex organic substances such as proteins, salts and other materials that are by-products of the naturally occurring Bacteria or Yeast that are used to make the Bio-Enzyme cleaners.

It can be used for:

  • Mopping floor
  • Disinfecting tabletops
  • Removing stains from the sink, basins, toilet bowls, tiles windows and dishes
  • Removing limescale on taps and other steel appliances
  • De-clogging drains
  • Removing mold

Some of the benefits of using bio-enzyme cleaners are:

  • An eco-friendly alternative to the hard fuel chemical solutions including Acids, bleach, phenyl and other chemical solutions we typically use in households to wash our bathrooms, clean toilets, wipe our floors, tiles and other surfaces.
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable, which means they’re safe to use in any room of your home.
  • Comparatively safer for users and the environment compared to traditional cleaning chemicals, especially if they have been green certified.
  • Experience allergy free cleaning.
  • Pet-friendly.
  • To decontaminate 1000 liters of water all you need is one liter of bio-enzymatic cleaner. Each time you pour this solution in drains, you are helping in purifying the water.
  • Inexpensive, effective and versatile.
  • A few of the bio-enzymatic cleaners are designed to work up to 80 hours after they are applied.

Below are the ingredients and step-by-step method on how can you create bio-enzyme cleaners at your home:


  • 1 part jaggery,
  • 3 parts lemon and orange peels,
  • 10 cups of water

You can use a cup, mug or vessel to measure your ingredients according to your needs.


  1. Heat the water in a vessel and start adding jaggery. Make sure the jaggery cubes are cut into small pieces to ensure they dissolve quickly. Keep stirring till all the jaggery is dissolved.
  2. Once dissolved, let the solution cool till it reaches room temperature.
  3. Meanwhile, fill a plastic bottle with the peels. (Make sure you use a plastic bottle because unlike metal or glass, the plastic will allow the gases that form during chemical reactions to expand. This is also a great way to reuse disposable plastic bottles at your home)
  4. When the jaggery solution attains room temperature, fill it in the bottle along with the peels.
  5. Side Notes:

    1. The cap needs to be air-tight to allow uninterrupted chemical reactions. However, if the bottle you are using has a small opening, make sure you open the cap twice a day to release the gases formed.
    2. The first batch of bio-enzymes takes about 90 days to prepare. The next batch, however, can be quickened if you use a part of the old batch with the fresh one.
    3. As is normal with most eco-friendly, green products, you will need to be patient for its preparation.
    4. The jaggery accelerates fermentation and is used in a very small quantity. So, the bio-enzymes do not attract any insects.

    If you find it difficult or do not have time to spend on creating bio-enzyme cleaners at home, do not worry, they can be easily found in supermarkets or groceries nearby your area.

    Or you can book online a professional cleaning service near you who are experts in eco friendly cleaning.